Utah ECIDS Term Dictionary pdf

Term Definition
Active Attendance The number of children whose actual attendance was greater than 95% attendance rate, based on the selected timeframe.
Age Interval Pattern Results The number of children that received screens at each ASQ age interval in the specific interval pattern selected.
ASQ Ages and Stages Questionnaires—early childhood developmental screening tools used to determine if infants, toddlers and young children are meeting age-appropriate milestones.
ASQ Age Interval(s) The report ASQ Age Interval(s) the user wants to include in the report.
ASQ Enrollment Enrollment = ASQ screening.
ASQ Enterprise Account This is a Brookes ASQ Online account (e.g. DHHS: Office of Early Childhood (DHHS-OEC); DWS: Office of Child Care (DWS-OCC)) that contains ASQ screening data from one or more ASQ programs.
ASQ Interval Sequence The ASQ interval sequence from the selected ASQ #6 report that will be used to generate report data.
ASQ Interval Sequences Report The selected ASQ #6: ASQ Interval Sequences report that will be used as the basis for the development report.
ASQ Program(s) The ASQ program(s) that contribute data to ECIDS that the user wants to include in the report.
ASQ Questionnaire Type The report ASQ Questionnaire Type the user wants to include in the report.
ASQ Screening Count The number of ASQ screenings.
ASQ Screening Count by Interval and Result The number of ASQ screenings broken down by age interval and screening result.
Attendance Summary By Agency A more detailed (by Agency) version of the Attendance Summary By Program.
Attendance Summary By Classroom A more detailed (by Classroom) version of the Attendance Summary By Program.
Attendance Summary By Month A more detailed version of the Attendance Summary by Program that displays the Active and At-Risk attendance counts for each month, and a breakdown of the Chronically-Absent percentages.
Attendance Summary By Program The overall Head Start defined attendance summary for the selected Head Start Program(s), based on the selected filter criteria.
Attendance Summary By Program Type A more detailed (by Program Type) version of the Attendance Summary By Program.
Attendance Summary By Site A more detailed (by Site) version of the Attendance Summary By Program.
Attendance Type The education setting (e.g. class, home) that the child participated in the selected Head Start Program(s).
Best gender, race, and ethnicity data across all programs Race, ethnicity, and gender data utilize the best information across all ECIDS programs (regardless of the ECIDS programs selected).
Best gender, race, and ethnicity data within program Race, ethnicity, and gender data utilize the best information within a single ECIDS program.
BWEIP Enrollment Enrolled in Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) services.
Certification Re-Instate Reason The reason why an individual’s WIC certification was re-activated.
Certification Termination Reason The reason why an individual’s WIC certification was de-activated.
Child Age The child age range the user wants to include in the report.
Child ASQ Screening Domain Results The count of the results of the ASQ-3 screening for each ASQ interval within the underlying ASQ interval sequence pattern broken down by domain (e.g. communication, gross motor).
Child ASQ Screening Results and Scores The average of each ASQ score by result (Above, Monitoring, Below) and the associated child count within the underlying ASQ interval sequence pattern.
Child ASQ Screening Results and Scores by Domain The average of each ASQ score by result (Above, Monitoring, Below) and the associated child count for each domain within the underlying age interval sequence pattern.
Child Count By Program These counts are distinct counts within a program (e.g. if the same identity has two different identifiers in Program A, it will only be counted once) with the user selected filters.
Child Counts by Crossover Programs The crossover child ECIDS or ASQ program count who were enrolled with the user selected filters.
Child Counts by Program Sequence The applicable child count of the applicable ECIDS program(s) sequence based on the enrollment start date with the user selected filters.
Child Detail Counts By Month The distinct child count trends of actively certified children within WIC by month.
Child Summary Count By Agency The total number of distinct children that were enrolled in the Head Start agency(s).
Child Summary Counts The total number of distinct children that were enrolled based on the selected filter criteria.
Child Summary Counts By Classroom The total number of distinct children enrolled in each Head Start Classroom within a Site.
Child Summary Counts By Re-Instate Reason The count of children whose WIC certification was re-activated by Re-Instate Reason.
Child Summary Counts By Site The total number of distinct children enrolled at the each Head Start site within an Agency.
Child Summary Counts By Termination Reason The distinct child count whose WIC certification was de-activated by termination reason.
Children with ASQ Screening(s) from a Single Enterprise Accounts Number of children with ASQ screenings from a single enterprise account.
Children with ASQ Screening(s) from a Single Program Number of children who are only enrolled by a single ASQ Program with the user selected filters.
Children with ASQ Screening(s) from Multiple Enterprise Accounts Number of children with ASQ screenings from multiple enterprise accounts.
Children with ASQ Screenings from Multiple Programs Number of children who are enrolled by multiple ASQ Programs with the user selected filters.
Child's First Screen The first time a child was screened during the timeframe by the applicable selected account and/or program.
Chronically Absent The number of children whose actual attendance was less than a 90% attendance rate.
Cohort Sequence The chronological sequence of ECIDS Program enrollment "start dates" and applicable ASQ interval(s) screening dates.
County(s) Include children only from the selected counties in the report.
Crossover Child Enterprise Account Count The crossover child ASQ enterprise account count (x-axis and y-axis) who were enrolled with the user selected filters.
Crossover Child Program Count The crossover child ECIDS or ASQ program count (x-axis and y-axis) who were enrolled with the user selected filters.
Crossover Children Counts The number of children that were enrolled in multiple Head Start Programs during the selected filter criteria.
Display Zip Codes Covered by Counties Show the zip codes covered by the selected counties in the report header.
Distinct Child ASQ Screening Results The count of the result types of the ASQ screening for each ASQ interval within the underlying ASQ interval sequence pattern.
Distinct Child Count This is a count where a child is only counted once even if he/she is included in multiple programs with the user selected filters.
Distinct children enrolled in a single program based on the program(s) selected Number of children who are only enrolled by a single ECIDS Program with the user selected filters.
Distinct children enrolled in multiple programs based on the programs selected Number of children who are enrolled by multiple ECIDS Programs with the user selected filters.
Distinct children previously enrolled without a current enrollment The total number of distinct children who had a previous enrollment to the selected timeframe AND who DO NOT have an enrollment with the user selected filters.
Distinct Count This is a count where a child is only counted once even if he/she is included in multiple programs.
ECIDS Early Child Integrated Data System, a de-identified early childhood data system.
End Date The end date of the report (inclusive).
Enrolled/Enrollment A yes/no variable and does not indiciate length of participation (e.g. this data set may include children enrolled for days, months, or years).
Enrollment Details Display The Enrollment dynamic that the user wants to include and display in the report.
Filter by Geographical Area The method to use to filter children only living in a specific geographical area.
Filter Children with Zip Codes Include only children in the selected zip codes in the report.
Gender(s) The child gender(s) to include in the report.
Note: "Other" includes children with an unknown or missing gender.
Geographical Area The user-selected applicable report geographic location(s) for which the included children in the report are required to have location data.
  • Statewide: The data is not displayed by county or zip code. Results displayed represent the entire state of Utah.
  • Zip Code: Filter children included in the report by zip code.
  • County: Filter children included in the report by county.
Head Start Agency The Head Start organization that provides localized services.
Head Start Classroom The Head Start room within each site that a child is enrolled in.
Head Start Program Summary The detailed count of children enrolled based on the selected filter criteria (by Head Start Program, Program Type, Agency, site and classroom).
Head Start Program(s) An organization grantee that manages the Head Start (HS), Migrant/Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) and/or Early Head Start Program(s).
Head Start Site A location of the local Head Start Program(s) that the child is enrolled at.
Hispanic or Latino The child ethnicity type to include in the report.
Home Visiting Affiliate The organization that performs the actual home visits.
Home Visiting Affiliate Summary The number of enrollees by funding source(s) within each affiliate organization.
Home Visiting Funding Source The funding source that paid for the provided home visit services.
Max Report Date The latest date supported by the report.
Mild At-Risk Attendance The number of children whose actual attendance was between 90% and 95% attendance rate, based on the selected timeframe.
New and Previously Enrolled Counts The same child may be included in both the "Previously Enrolled" and "Newly Enrolled" categories if they meet the criteria described.
Newly Enrolled The start date of enrollment occurs during reporting timeframe.
Number of children enrolled, enrollment started during the specified timeframe The start date of enrollment occurs during the user selected report timeframe.
Number of children enrolled, enrollment started prior to the specified timeframe The child was enrolled and not exited prior to the start date of the user selected report timeframe.
Number of children who have ASQ screening(s) This is a count where a child is only counted once even if he/she is included in multiple of the selected ASQ programs with the user selected filters.
Number of Date Intervals The number of date intervals (Years, Quarters, or Months) that the report should generate data for. The maximum number of date intervals that can be selected is 12.
Previously Enrolled The child was enrolled and not exited prior to the start date of the timeframe.
Program A program who may (e.g. early intervention, head start) or may not (e.g. birth and death registries) require enrollment.
Program Type(s) The type (e.g. Head Start (HS), Migrant/Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) and Early Head Start (EHS))of Head Start Program that the child is enrolled in.
Program(s) The ECIDS program(s) that contribute data to ECIDS that the user wants the report to include.
Race(s) The child race(s) to include in the report.
Report Date Interval The interval based on which the report will generate and display data. The user can select Annual, Quarterly, or Monthly.
Report Timeframe The user-selected report timeframe.
Note: The report timeframe is the primary field used to determine the applicable children the report will include.
Screen Results By Domain The total of each result (Above, Monitoring, Below) broken down by domain (Communication, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Problem Solving, and Personal Social) from ASQ-3 Screens.
Screening and Child Counts by Display Interval The number of ASQ screens, children screened, and children that received their first ASQ screening during the selected report timeframe.
SCSS Small Cell Size Suppression. It means the actual value is less than the suppression limit and therefore suppressed.
The standard suppression limit is 10 and the suppression limit for ASQ reports is 10.
Start Date The start date of the report.
Summary Child Count (non-distinct) This is a count where a child will be counted once every time he/she appears in an program with the user selected filters.
Note: The same child may appear more than once in the same program or in multiple programs.
Total Children with Multiple Account Screenings The total number of children with screenings from multiple ASQ Enterprise Accounts.
Total Children with Single Account Screenings The total number of children with screenings from a single ASQ Enterprise Account.
Utah Birth Registry Filter Options The report Utah Birth Registry options the user want to include that is applicable to the ECIDS program(s) selected:
  • N/A: Includes children born in Utah and outside of Utah.
  • Yes: Includes only children born in Utah.
  • No: Includes only children born outside of Utah.
WIC Enrolled Caseload Certified (approved) for benefits but MAY OR MAY NOT be using benefits.
Zip Code Filtering Mode Filtering mode for user-provided zip codes.
  • Inclusive: Only include children that have location data for the provided zip codes.
  • Exclusive: Only include children that do not have location data for the provided zip codes.